Hire of the Village Hall – Price Increases from September 2024

10 August 2024

Hire of the Village Hall – Price Increases from September 2024

Hire charges for the Hall have not increased since September 2022, despite annual price inflation as high as 9.6%. Whilst it has fallen back to around 2.5%, our costs continue to rise. To protect the Hall’s finances, the Trustees have carefully reviewed all factors and formulated a new pricing structure, effective from September 2024.

The good news is that for Houghton Residents and Regular Hirers the basic hourly rate for the main hall will increase by just £0.40p or 4.4% on weekdays and £0.50p or 4.8% for weekend / bank holiday hire. The peak time premium for Houghton Residents (evening hire after 19.00) is increasing from £26 to £50, however we are no longer charging for opening after 10:30, which was £25. If you look at prices being charged in other nearby facilities, and what you get for the money, we are confident you will agree that this is highly competitive and represents great value for local people wanting to use this amazing facility.

For non-Houghton residents, the hire charges overall are increasing by between 15% up to 20%, meaning they bear the brunt of the increases. The Trustees feel that the market can bear this as the hall is still very competitively priced and demand for events is strong.

Full details of all charges and how to book the hall can be found here

If you have any questions or would like to join our friendly band of volunteers please speak to or message any of the Trustees or email me.

Deb Tull

Andy Farren

Houghton Village Hall,
Main Street,

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