News Release February 2023
Winter Warmer
Have you been to the Winter Warmer at the Village Hall on a Friday morning? We have set up a ‘warm hub’ at the hall where you can come along for a coffee and meet up with friends – old and new! There are refreshments and occasionally we get the table tennis table out! Come and see us, bring a friend, it’s all free! Every Friday from 10am to Noon.
Annual General Meeting
Next month is the AGM. It will be on Saturday 18th March at 2.30pm. You are welcome to come along from 2pm for refreshments and informal chat about how the Village Hall is a great resource for the Houghton Community. At the meeting we will explain what has been done in the last year and our visions for the next. We look forward to meeting members of the community and seeing what they feel the future of the hall should look like.
Volunteering for any organisation is a great thing to do; it definitely gives you a feel-good factor and it is a good way of meeting new people. If you are interested in helping to keep this great resource running, please think about joining us. It is a great team of people and the committee meetings are not onerous; there are 6 per year and I try to keep the mood jolly! It would be great if we could get a ‘younger’ member of the community to join us; maybe a young parent who would bring a different perspective to the discussion – to maintain the longevity of the hall we need to ensure we are moving with the times! Do you (or someone you know) feel you might like to escape a kids bedtime routine every other month and share your great ideas with us!
We are also still looking for a Bookings Secretary. This is someone who coordinates the bookings for the Regular hirers, eg Yoga group, Ducks Friends etc. It is mostly issuing invoices (generated by the booking system) which would take a morning a month and otherwise answering queries. We are starting to worry that this post won’t get filled; we might have to take drastic action.
For any information on the hall contact me and/or come along to the AGM in March (there will be cake!)
Deb Tull